Thursday 31 March 2016

Being an athlete

An athlete is only as good as the team of professionals that takes care of them. I must say that I am very privileged to have access to an amazing health care team for all my animals but right now it all relates to Slice.

As many of you know Slice is not kind to her body and if anything can happen to her it does. If she didn't picture herself as a 50 lb dog we may not have as many problems but size is no obstacle for Miss Slice. 

This last week we are in for our final checks with all our team before leaving. Last week we had our pre-trip massage and laser treatment with Diamond. Fortunately, Diamond is traveling with the team which helps with any problems that may arise. Diamond says she is good to go. Dr. Joel did her health check and gave her the all clear. Today Slice spent the morning with Daphne having more laser and energy work done. She always enjoys her time with Daphne getting herself realigned with the planets. 
Her afternoon appointment with her best friend Dr. Webster, our chiropractor, made sure everything is in its place before we fly.  We are very thankful that Jennifer is also traveling with he team this year and can help keep us both in top shape. 

Slice is good to go!  She feels amazing by all accounts!

Up next a trip to the beauty parlor...

Tuesday 29 March 2016

It's Official

Today was the official visit with the CFIA to get our paperwork verified and "permission" to travel out of the country.

With many thanks to Dr. Joel we nailed the paperwork the first time!!  One would think this would not be anything new for me given how many times we have done this. The problem is you never know what the person stamping the paperwork is going to throw at you which makes you run around the city chasing signatures. Today we were all good and got the seal of approval.

Only five more sleeps...

Resting and Waiting

Slice has been put into rest mode for the past couple weeks.  No chance of injuries, doing some core work and just simply taking an agility break.  Along with that privilege comes special hang out time with mom. We do all our errands together and generally just "bond".

This last week Slice got to further her training in Nose Work, help pack our suitcases, enjoy Easter Dinner at grandmas and nap in my lap.  Okay, the napping is an everyday occurrence but we really enjoyed it. 

We are both enjoying the down time. 
packing the suitcase, making sure her stuff gets put in

don't all papillons sit at the table? 

enjoying a lap nap

Thursday 24 March 2016

The Final Count Down has Begun

Daily iPhone countdown
With less than 10 days until we depart the excitement is building and friends, family and customers keep asking if we are ready, where we are going and when we leave as well as passing along many good luck wishes.  Thank you to every one you who are invested in my trip and success.  It means so much to know how many people we have pulling for us back home.

As always, the days before we leave are busy with vet visits and paperwork to make sure she is healthy, fit to fly, and she has all the vaccination requirements to enter the country we are going to.  Today was our vet visit with Dr. Joel Torkelson, who has been caring for Slice since she was a wee baby.  Slice loves her visits with Joel and has him wrapped around her paw when it comes to treats.  We have our paperwork complete.  She has her vaccinations up to date.  We have our "first aid" supplies in case of emergency.  Everything is signed where it needs to be and there is a stamp in the places that need one.  Next stop CFIA on Tuesday.

Feeling Quite Emotional

As I approach the 18 day countdown until Slice and I leave for the 2016 IFCS World Agility Championships, I find myself unusually emotional as I prepare.  Usually I am filled with giddy excitement of hitting the world stage and knowing everyday is going to be amazing regardless of the results.  This year is a bit different...

Slice is a one in million dog with incredible talent and a heart that could fill the chest of an elephant and she is my girl.  We go everywhere together, she is my constant sidekick.  This last year of competition has been tough for us as she has suffered a couple of very serious concussions while playing agility.  She has recovered well but the knowledge of her multiple concussion syndrome looms in the back of my head every time she runs.  I do my best to make sure she is safe but Slice doesn't always stay on the same page with me.

Keeping her health in mind and knowing she turns 9 years old when we get home, I have decided that this is her last year of international competition.  What ever will be will be and nothing will ever compare to our first world team experience in 2011.  In the past 6 years, this wee girl has taken me all over the world to play agility.  I could never have asked for anything more from a dog.  She is perfect!

This trip we are going to enjoy every single moment of it.  Take lots of pictures, see amazing sights and play some agility in our spare time.